After entering the verb and starting the search for a match, all conjugated forms of the verb are displayed in tables. Search in conjugated forms (only in Pro)The verb is searched for, not only in the infinitive, but also in the conjugated form.
Fuzzy searchThe verb needs not be spelled correctly (etre instead être).
Wildcard support (only in Pro)The app also supports searches with wildcards ('*suis' matches être, suivre, poursuivre). The usage of wildcards needs at least 2 or more characters. The following search patterns are available and can be combined:
* = any number of characters ? = exactly one character
The usage of wildcards on older smartphones can inhibit performance. In particular, a wildcard at the beginning of the verb uses significantly more computing power than a normal search. If permitted, this type of search should be limited to infinitive form and the fuzzy searches should be disabled.
The output: Indicativo, Subjuntivo, Presente, Imperfecto, Indefinido, Futuro, Condicional, Imperativo, Participio, Gerundio
In case of several matches, a list is displayed from which a verb should be selected.
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Enjoy conjugating